PTSD and Art therapy

PTSD and Art therapy 
by Claudia Diaz-MS3
What, who and why PTSD?
What are current treatment therapies?
Art therapy in children
Art therapy in adults
Websites for sharing experiences with others who suffer from PTSD
Traumatic event that continues to be relived and interferes with everyday  functioning.
Avoiding thoughts/situations that may trigger memories
Nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety.
Hyper-vigilance, exaggerated response etc
What is the number one cause of PTSD?

Who is predisposed?
Estimated 50%-90% of us will experience severe trauma
Only 8% will develop PTSD
Who is at risk? Psychologic Resilience

Who has poor Psychologic Resilience?
Risk for Trauma + PTSD
Antisocial behavior
Loss of a parent
Perinatal insults

Risk for PTSD
Low IQ

Current Treatments
Debriefing after trauma
Risk targeted interventions
Behavioral Therapies
Medications for symptom control
Anti-epileptics-  aggression
Atypical/typical antipsychotics –sleep/dissociation

What about Art?
Art Therapy in children
Has shown to be effective in helping children process traumatic events
Expression of feeling, thoughts and memories  without words
Gives children an active role in the process of progressing from  “victim” to “survivor”
Some may use art work as a way to soothe their anxiety as opposed to telling about the trauma

Katrina Art Therapy in Veterans
Art therapy appeared most effective for those with severe PTSD
Drawing task vs written task
How it works
Reconsolidates memories
Progressive exposure
Reduces arousal
Positive emotions (fights numbing)
Emotional self efficacy
Builds self-esteem

Beneficial and effective way for patients to express themselves and heal from their trauma.

Conquer the Past and Create the Future

Psychiatry Philosophy & Arts