Article Submitted By: Daniel Aponte Prypchan
Don’t you often find that totally logical positive decisions do not feel good?
The answers to creation don’t lie in the conscious mind, they lie in the unconscious. The key is your feelings, they tell you whether your unconscious is comfortable with your actions.
When you make a total mentally positive decision and you don’t feel right, its possibly because you have encountered your resistance to receiving from the universe.
It is of paramount importance for you to allocate images that you FEEL good as they will align with the unconcious and start to happen.
If you find that what you most want never happens, this is due to you not being able to FEEL IT in your life.This resistance will be totally linked to a limitation which lives in your unconscious.
To transform this limitation you have to ask yourself a question:
Why Do I NOT WANT this in my life? (swap it around- Assume the reality IS your predominant desire, therefore you wanted it at some level)
I hear this all the time: “I want to find a partner (LOVE) with whom to have great experiences but, it never happens”
My questions to these people are:
Why don’t you want a partner with whom to have great experiences?
The more resistance to answering you have, the more resistant you actually have to getting your desire to happen.
In the end, its all your responsibility. So not answering your own question, will just give you an example of your future.
GOOD NEWS: If you take responsibility, your reality can change INSTANTLY the Minute you shift the limitation in your unconscious.