Author's posts
Georges Bizet
By Lida Prypchan ..Su nombre original era Alexander-César-Leopold, pero desde pequeño su familia lo llamó Georges y así se quedó, tanto para sus contemporáneos como para la posteridad. ..Bizet fue un músico nacido en Francia el 25 de octubre de 1838. En su familia existieron dos músicos: su padre y un …
By Lida Prypchan Very few people free themselves from anxiety, though at least Siegfried, the hero of The Ring of the Nibelungen, was born completely free from anxiety. But it was a rare privilege. Worries are the historical baggage of humankind. As typical examples we have the company director who observes that …
By Lida Prypchan Humility, a great personality, kindness, intelligence, discretion, people skills, spirit of sacrifice and study describe Danilo Aponte Borras. Indeed, this is very little to describe someone as special as he. And in these days in which we mourn his absence, I passed sadly through the corners of my …
Everyone Wants to Be a Doctor
By Lida Prypchan In Venezuela it is believed that “education for everyone” means that everyone can go to University. And going to university means choosing to study Medicine, Engineering, or Law. Everyone wants to be a doctor regardless of the fact that they graduate 2 years later than they should. On …
Education for Life
By Lida Prypchan Simon Rodriguez was one of the first teachers to preach the advantages of education for the masses. He also spoke of “education for life”. Referring to this he said, “It is good that young people learn science, that they study languages, botany, etc. … but it is even more important …
Great Philosophers Johann Wolfgang Goethe
By Lida Prypchan We look on Goethe as an enviable figure, privileged, majestic, Olympian, spoiled by the gods from his birth on August 28, 1749. The son of a wealthy Frankfurt family, Wolfgang Von Goethe never knew the difficulties of life. He traveled and studied as and how he wished; in love and …
The Death of the Reader (A story by Julio Cortazar)
By Lida Prypchan A few days ago he had started the novel but for reasons of urgent business he had stopped reading it. He went by train to his estate. Upon his arrival he gave several orders to his butler and then quietly settled into his study to finish reading his novel, which was …
Television and Children
By Lida Prypchan There are questions that remain unanswered. And when there are answers, no-one listens to them, or they seem to pass unnoticed. Parents complain about television. Leaving their innocent children to such a bad influence? But they deceive themselves, shirking from the truth that without television, parents today would …
Portrait of a Flatterer
By Lida Prypchan It did not seem that he was so. He was so agreeable, so nice. He knew how to win people over … but in what a way. He was a flatterer. He despised himself because he did not feel capable of achieving things through his aptitudes, with his work and effort. …
The Destruction of Everything Public
By Lida Prypchan There is a good chance that everything that is public will be destroyed partially or entirely. What is clear is that what little is given for the benefit of the community is in bad condition. It can be seen everywhere, the buses, the universities, the walls of the …